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Message to Nursery Facilitators,

You are expected to practice Learning-through-Play method into your daily activities. In addition, please share what you have learnt with your colleagues and parents! 

This web site is built as a platform for improving  the capacity of stakeholders related to Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in accordance with '' Quality Standards for nurseries ''  guided by Ministry of Social Solidarity, Egypt.

● Activity Booklet Project will begin phase 2 in February of 2024.→ Click!


● ECD JICA Project started awareness campaigns for parents.  → Click!


● The Early Childhood Development Improvement Project provided soft mattress to seven prefecture

target nurseries. → Click!


● 25,000 picture book provided by ECD JICA project .→ Click!


● Completion of ECD-JICA Project Phase 1 → Click!


●  Article by Mr. Tetsuo Kamitani, Chief advisor of ECD-JICA Project in Al-Jumhuriya newspaper on April 6 2023 on the launch of ECD-JICA Project Phase 2 → Click!


● Ceremony MOSS The ceremony about completion the disease seminar. (2021.Aplil)→ Click!


● Prevent disease in Nursery schools.  (2021.March)  → Click!


●"yalla nelab" (Arabic for Let's play)  where You can get the ideas which are introduced by JOCV (2021.March) → Click!

You can get more topics  from our Facebook page!